
Find the Medicare Plan You’re Looking For

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Are you currently enrolled in a Medicare plan?

an elderly couple throw a frisbee in the park and smile
an elderly couple throw a frisbee in the park and smile
blurred Aetna Medicare card

Get Started with Aetna Medicare Online

Compare plans with our online tool. Search by provider, pharmacy, prescribed medications and other preferences to find a plan that meets your needs.

Medicare plans comparison chart

Original MedicareOriginal Medicare + Part DMedicare SupplementMedicare Advantage (Part C)
Hospital Coveragegray checkmark icongray checkmark icongray checkmark icongray checkmark icon
Doctor and speciality visitsgray checkmark icongray checkmark icongray checkmark icongray checkmark icon
Preventive Caregray checkmark icongray checkmark icongray checkmark icongray checkmark icon
Prescription drug coveragegray checkmark icongray checkmark icon

In some plans

Coverage while traveling abroadgray checkmark icon

In some plans

gray checkmark icon

Some plans include emergency coverage

Routine dental, vision & hearinggray checkmark icon

In some plans

Fitness membershipgray checkmark icon

In some plans

Average monthly premium$0 to $499$15 to $479$93 to $386$0 to $295
Out-of-pocket limitNo limitNo limitSometimesYes

Plan availability varies by location. Not all plans are available online. For Original Medicare, enroll here.
